
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Fri Nov 6th, 2020 @ 12:22am

Martial (Level 1) Adelaide von Rowenhalte

Name Adelaide von Rowenhalte III

Position Paladin

Rank Martial (Level 1)

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Elf
Age 38
Regular Job Former Princess

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 130lb
Hair Color Pink
Eye Color Pink
Physical Description With pink hair, pink eyes, and a perfectly toned and trained body, she is the epitome of the former princess of the lost Elven Kingdom. She is still young for an elf, but she was even younger when the Empire ransacked her home, murdered her parents and citizens, and left her to fend for herself. You can see the hard work she's put in to get where she is now etched into her body.

Character Loot

Equipped Magical Adamantite Armor, Family Sword


Personality & Traits

General Overview Slightly arrogant, she tends to point out the obvious with an air of seriousness about her. Using the magical armor handed down to her through her noble family, she's a beastly wall of defense and enjoys the job to an embarrassingly lewd degree, but she couldn't hit the broad side of a castle of you pushed her into it.
Strengths & Weaknesses All damage is reduced to either nothing or mere scratches, though she receives the full pain of it, thanks to her armor. To counter this, her sword skills are amazing at defense but amazingly poor at attacking.
Ambitions To rebuild the lost Elven Kingdom.
Hobbies & Interests Taking physical abuse during her adventures.