Stealth (Level 1) Yume Mikako

Name Yume Mikako

Position Ranger

Rank Stealth (Level 1)

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 16

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Yume originally from Japan has Auburn hair and Hazel eyes she has a light build and is rather tall for her age. She usually keeps her hair in a platte to one side.

Character Loot

Equipped Standard heavy duty cloth armour
Bow and sheath
1 short knife
Spells/Abilities Abilities - Ranger Class
- Cross Cut (Diagonal Cross): The Hunter swings two blades in an X pattern that is a half slashing and half smashing attack. Allows blades to act as clubs that can crush or strip armor.

- Sweeping Slash (Brush Clearer): A powerful sideways sweeping attack. Can be used as evasive.

- Sharp Sight (Quick-eye): Improve bow accuracy and range. Grant improved evasion to incoming projectiles attacks as well. It also increases the accuracy of hitting moving targets.

- Pit Rat: A skill that allows a hunter to swiftly dodge enemy blows.

- Star Pierce: A skill that increases the range and power of throwing knives that can be used quicker than a bow.

- Weasel Somersault: An evasive kukri-based dodge roll skill.

- Contact Shot: A close ranged archery skill.

- Raging Tiger: A skill in which the user does a somersault followed by a powerful attack.

- Rapid Fire: A skill that allows a hunter to rapidly fire arrows off at the cost of accuracy. For Yume, after a few shots one will completely miss the target.

- Stop-eye: A technique that uses special eye exercises, methods of breathing, and methods of regulating the body to increase shooting accuracy.

- Hunting: The hunting of animals or monsters.

- Tracking: The ability to track said hunted animals or monsters.

- Pit Trap: Involves making a trap.

- Narrow Spear: A skill used only as a last resort that uses an arrow as a melee weapon for close quarter combat.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Often referred to as mature and emotionally stable, Yume has always been seen as 'the big sister' role by her Kohais. She takes things seriously, but can panic easily in a sticky situation. She follows her own morals and beliefs closely. She is determined to do well and improve herself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths include
+ Mature attitude
+ Athletic and a good gymnast.
+ Good at ambush attacks
+ Not scared of heights

- Sometimes gets words mixed up.
- Not very good aim with a bow
- Panics easily
- Scared of spiders.
Ambitions Yumes ambitions are to make the most of her current life. She has been given a second chance so she'll take it and see what happens.
Hobbies & Interests + Wood carving
+ Doodling
+ Gymnastics
+ Athletics

Personal History Born in Japan originally, Yume had a fairly standard upbringing. She had always struggled with communication since she was a child, often mixing up words and phrases. Its something which caused people to be wary of her often not socialising with her.

She had fairly average grades throughout her education, but really excelled at gymnastics and athletics. Throughout middleschool she was on the gymnastics team which she continued through to high school.

However she met a bad end, much like in a visual novel after trying to complete a dare on the way to school. Legend has it that only one student had ever swung from the tree on the side of the road, to the one in the school grounds without kissing the ground.

Yume thought she could make the distance easily, but misjudged the distance and ended up introducing her face to the pavement. She died in her original world a few hours later in hospital from head trauma.

She then woke up in another world as her desire to continue was so strong it gained attention from the goddesses and she jad the potential to become a great adventurer.
Education Record Standard Japanese Education
Middle School & Half of High School