Merchant Kaiya Matsuda

Name Kaiya Matsuda

Position Merchant

Rank Merchant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Tiefling
Age 25
Regular Job Magic Shop Merchant

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color red
Eye Color red
Physical Description Dark and dangerous looking with flaming red hair. She has a tail and horns that she refuses to cover and is unapologetic about her appearance.

Character Loot


Personality & Traits

General Overview Kaiya has taken the magic shop over from her father. Her father knew Demona was doomed if people did not take action. Trying to spur people to action, he left and told Kaiya to take care of the shop. That was over a year ago and there has been no word from her father. She worries about his safety and refuses to believe that he is dead. She is slow to trust and has a good head on her shoulder for business. However, her knowledge is limited by what her father taught her. In her spare time she tries to learn more about ancient magics and often can be found reading esoteric magic books.