Created by Goddess Eris Dei on Thu Sep 24th, 2020 @ 12:46pm
Hero Classes
DISCLAIMER:: The links on this page are for reference and idea building. Roleplaying always comes first and everything is at the discretion of the members of the sim.
Martial Classes
A class made up of characters who have exceptional combat capability and unequaled skill with weapons.Paladin
A class made up of characters who are champions of justice and destroyers of evil, with an array of divine powers.Monk
A class made up of characters who are masters of the martial arts and have a number of exotic powers.Barbarian
A class made up of ferocious warriors who use inborn fury and instinct to bring down foes.Arcane Classes
A class made up of characters who are schooled in the arcane arts.Sorcerer
A class made up of characters who have inborn magical ability.Warlock
Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular.Illusionist
A class made up of characters who use Illusion spells to deceive the senses or minds of others.Necromancer
A class made up of characters who use Necromancy spells to manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the life force. Spells involving undead creatures make up a large part of this school.Abjurer
A class made up of characters who use protective spells.Transmuter
A class made up of characters who use Transmutation spells to change the properties of some creature, thing, or condition.Conjurer
A class made up of characters who use spells to bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy.Enchanter
A class made up of characters who use Enchantment spells to affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior.Divine Classes
A class made up of characters who cast divine spells and are also capable in combat.Druid
A class made up of characters who draw energy from the natural world to cast divine spells and gain special magical powers.Priest
A class made up of characters who have powerful healing and holy or unholy magics due to their faith, but normally very little in combat ability.Miko
A class made up of characters who are the penultimate shrine maiden. They have become a container for the one they have accepted into them, often changing their skin, hair and eyes and giving them great purification powers. Males that take on this role are called Geki and often appear feminine.Stealth Classes
A class made up of performers whose music and poetics produce magical effects.Rogue
A class made up of characters who primarily rely on stealth and charisma rather than brute force or magical ability.Ranger
A class made up of characters who are particularly skilled at adventuring in the wilderness. They will often find an animal companion by third level.Assassin
Assassins are behind the scenes operatives of death. They will be given a target and required to do research into the habits and finer details of the target. Using basic training skills and novices to gather this information, they plan a careful approach to assassinate their target. Often after succeeding, the goal is to escape with as little confrontation as possible. Using all sorts of free running techniques, an assassin will aim to lose their attackers and then when they break line of site, they hide in an obscure spot until the coast is clear, then making their way back to the Guild to report a successful mission.Categories: No categories found